
For 3rd grade students.

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Do you see exactly what you should do now in a limited time? And do you have an image of yourself six months later?
Just six months later, on Friday, March 12, 2021, the 48th graduation ceremony will be held at Fukono Junior High School.

After graduating from junior high school, each student will go his or her own way. The teachers will support you, but in the end you have to figure out the next path on your own. I want you to have a strong image of yourself six months from now and spend the time now and to think carefully about what you should do from now on and act on it.

Some of the first things you have to do can be difficult or troublesome. You may wish you could do it later. However, time does not return even if it thinks "I should have done it first" later.

I want you to plan and spend half a year, three months, one month, one week, and one day.
And when you have to do your best, I want you to make yourself strong.

A new week will start tomorrow. Take care of yourself now so that you don't regret anything.

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9/18 体育大会予行