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Connecting with the World

I would like to introduce “A junior high school essay contest” organized by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency).
Why don’t you write down about your thoughts and actions when you think about relationship between the world and yourself?

Of course, even if you do not have overseas experience, it is OK to write about global issues (global warming, weather disasters, conflicts seen on TV programs, etc.) that you felt in Japan.
I believe that if you have your thoughts about various issues in Japan and the international community as "something relevant to you," it will enrich your life and lead to making the world better.
And if you put it into words, it may become a force to move the world, like Severn Cullis Suzuki.

Exactly 20 years ago, I was working as a math teacher at a local school, as a member of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers in Kenya, Africa, for two years from 2000 to 2002.
In Kenya, I experienced many things I could never do in Japan.
For example, in Japan, we turn on the faucet, we can get water. we can flush the water in the toilet.
However, in Kenya where I lived, I went to the river to draw water every morning. If it rains, put a bucket in front of the house to save the water.
These waters are used for daily life, such as washing, showering, eating and so on. There is no water to flush in the toilet. I never forget my experience at that time.

I have talked to students about my experiences in Kenya at the school where I worked. Some students are interested in foreign countries, and a few of them are active in foreign countries. In the future, I hope that there will be students from Fukono Junior High School who will be interested in foreign countries. I would like to talk about many other things in Kenya.

If you want to write your thoughts in an essay, Please feel free to talk to me. “the head teacher H”.

About rainy season "Tsuyu"

Good morning,
In this time, I talk about the rainy season “Tsuyu”.
Two weeks ago, the rainy season “Tsuyu” started. The end of this year's “Tsuyu” will be the middle of July, which is normal.

Why do we write "Tsuyu" as "plum rain"?
It is said that the rain of “Tsuyu” is a rain of grace for the plum. When it rains in this season, the fruit of the plum swells greatly.
“Tsuyu” is a special rainy season in East Asia that lasts for about a month.
“Tsuyu” is called "Meiyu" in China and "Changma" in Korea.
The word "Meiyu" was handed down from China to Japan in the Edo period, and it came to be called “Baiu” and "Tsuyu". Before the word "Tsuyu",it was called "Samidare" means the rain in May.
The name of this rainy season is called "Baiu" because it means "rain that falls when the plum blossoms ripen."

It is a deciduous shrub native to China and lives only in East Asia. It is said that the Japanese envoy brought it back to Japan from China in the Nara period. It fits well with Japanese climate and spread widely during the Heian period. In Japan, it was called "Ume" in the Nara period and "Mume" in the Heian period.
From February to March, flowers are put on before the leaves come out, the fruit begins to swell around May, and ripens yellow in June. In the Edo period, breeding was carried out, and now there are more than 500 varieties.

There are plum trees in Fukono Junior High School.
(↓Photo in May)


After five hours, …。

After five hours, a partial eclipse begins all over Japan around five o'clock this evening.
An eclipse is a phenomenon in which part (or all) of the sun is hidden by the moon because the moon crosses in front of the sun.
This eclipse is an annular eclipse (a ring-shaped eclipse with 98% of the sun missing) in some regions from Africa to Asia, we can observe as a partial eclipse in Japan.
The next eclipse in Japan will occur on April 20, 2023, but it cannot be observed in Osaka.
Because it is hard to watch an eclipse, please check today's sun if you have time. However, if you watch directly at the sun, you may lose sight or damage your eyes, so don't look directly.
In Osaka, the eclipse begins at 16:06 and the sun is the most lacking at 17:10 (The sun is about 43% missing). Then, the eclipse ends at 18:07.

By the way,
10 years later, we can observe an annular eclipse in Japan (Hokkaido) on June 1, 2030.
And annular eclipse will come to Osaka in 2312(292 years later).

Today, June 21st is...

Today, June 21st is the day of the summer solstice.
Today is the longest day from sunrise to sunset. After today, the time of daytime gradually decreases until the winter solstice day of December 21.

Even in Japan, there is a little difference in the time of daytime (from sunrise to sunset) depending on the latitude. The daytime is longer as we go north. For example, it’s 13 hours and 47 minutes in Okinawa, it’s is 15 hours and 23 minutes in Hokkaido. By the way, Osaka is 14 hours and 29 minutes (sunrise 4:45, sunset 19:14).
You will learn in society; it will be a midnight sun (the sun does not set) in the Arctic Circle.

Today is going to be a precious sunny day between the rainy seasons.
The sunshine may be an enemy of your skin, as there are worries about sunburn, but it has a function of producing vitamin D in your body. Vitamin D helps maintain bone health and promotes the absorption of calcium.
From some research results, Vitamin D affects brain cognitive function. In addition, there are also a function to increase immunity and reduce the risk of cancer.
Moderate exposure to sunlight seems to lead to maintaining a healthy body.


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Today, June 14th is...

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Today, June 14th is "World Blood Donor Day(WHO: World Health Organization)", which is a "gift for saving life", thank blood donors and let us know that blood donation is essential for patients who need blood products. Various events are held in various countries around the world on today.
June 14th has a special meaning: the birthday of The Nobel Prize-winning Karl Landsteiner who discovered the ABO blood type[1868-1943(AUT)].

The theme of this year's "World Blood Donor Day" is "Safe Blood Saves Lives". It is worth noting that blood donation is an activity that saves people's lives.

Now, It relies on good-intentioned blood donation, because blood cannot be made artificially. There are 3,000 people in this country who receive blood transfusions for treatment every day, and it is necessary to donate blood 13,000 people a day.
However, the number of people donating blood decreases sharply due to the COVID-19.The medical field is a really difficult situation in many ways.

Over 16-years-old can donate blood. So, Junior high school students cannot donate blood, because of under 16, That's why we have to think seriously about what we can do.




 最近でも『学校再開 登下校中の子どもが狙われる被害相次ぐ 東京 (6月1日付)の報道があったり、深野中学校区においても保護者の皆さまに不審者情報をこの2週間で2度もメール配信したりと、児童生徒が被害に遭う事案が後をたちません。


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From tomorrow, all students' attendance time is different from last week.
The student(Group A) who went to school last week in the morning is going to school from the afternoon. The student(Group B) who went to school last week from the afternoon is going to school in the morning.
The school hours are informed on "top page". Please don’t miss it.

 全生徒、明日からの登校時間が先週と変わります。先週の登校時間が午前の人(Aグループ)は午後からの登校です。先週の登校時間が午後の人(Bグループ)は午前からの登校です。 登校時間はホームページの [トップページ]にあるので、確認しておきましょう。

The day you change the world.

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Today, I'm going to show you a speech by a 12-years-old girl who changed the world, depending on Environment Month in June.

"Earth Summit", an international conference held once every ten years. In 1992, "Earth Summit" was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. At the time, it was the largest in The United Nations history, attended by representatives from 172 countries around the world.

A girl who is 12-years-old came to the summit from Canada. The girl's name is Severn Cullis-Suzuki. She came to Brazil of her own volition, not being called by anyone or being recommended by someone.

During the summit, she negotiated tenaciously and was finally given a chance to speak for a short time on the final day.
Her speech changed the world.

After her speech, many countries became interested in global environmental issues and changed. It was opportunity to protect the environment, regulate greenhouse gas emissions, and combat global warming, and the world began to work.

Her speech was for six minutes only.

New books are arrived...

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Good morning students. Today is the day of the blog update in English. Let's try reading English

Now, we show new arrived books on board near the library in Fukono junior high school.
The library is not open now, but you can rent books.
If you want to rent books by looking at the board, please come to teacher's room. Of course, you can also rent other books, so please make a request. (We are waiting for your requests. )
By the way, new arrived books(↑Photo) are ... 


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 おはようございます! 6月6日(土)の朝です。学校ブログを見ていただき、ありがとうございます。





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経済産業省 (レジ袋有料化について…)

Today, May 31st is...

Today, May 31st is “World No Tobacco Day”.
About 3 million people die each year from tobacco-caused diseases worldwide.

Smoking is a disease called “Addiction”. Smoking is said to cause long-term irreparable damage to the lungs and increases the risk of pneumonia by about 3 times. Tobacco contains about 400 dangerous substances, of which about 80 are carcinogens.

In Japan, about 15,000 people die a year from second-hand smoke inhalation of other people's cigarette smoke, and the health effects are serious.
On April 1st, 2020, the Health Promotion Act was revised to prevent second-hand smoke, and it was made mandatory to take measures to prevent second-hand smoke everywhere.

In addition, "Third smoking" which occurs when harmful substances vomited by smokers adhere to clothes, carpets, curtains, walls, etc., are also a problem that cannot be ignored.

Now, doctors and experts around the world are getting the message about the relationship between COVID-19 and tobacco out.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is giving “smoking” the first thing that should not be doing in “Q&A for Tobacco and COVID-19”

(WHO) website contains "THE TOBACCO BODY".
Caution! because it contains shocking illustrations.


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重要 入学式のお知らせ(日程)など







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 なお、動画を見るには、パスワード『 Eiken365 』が必要です。



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 朝から晴れ渡り、気候も穏やかでとても気持ちのいい日ですね。でも、STAY HOME…よろしくお願いします。

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文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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12/25 2学期 終業式