
Tonight is Halloween.

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October 31st is the last day of the year for the Celtic people.
So, there is a New Year's celebration (Samhain Festival) on November 1st.
Samhain, the god of death, gathers all the dead on the night before a New Year’s Day.
And it is said that Samhain brings disaster to the people as the souls of the dead go home and the demons and witches come.
Demons and witches come to bring disaster to people, so people disguise themses as demons and witches to prevent them from being thought of as human beings.
It is said that this is the beginning of Halloween.

The Celtic people were originally equestrant in Central Asia and moved to Europe in the bc period and spread their influence throughout Europe. However, after losing the battle with Caesar, the first emperor of the ancient Roman Empire, it gradually weakened its power.

Today, Celtic culture has been passed down to Ireland and Scotland in a way that was closer to that time. The Celtic people are proud, cheerful, and have nurtured deeply resounding music, poetry, art and literature. Celtic culture is well known in the world of art such as movies (Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings) and music (Enya).

When I looked into it, there were a lot of descriptions and various theories about Halloween. If you are interested, please take a deep look.

Good night, then.
「Trick or Treat!」
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