
Yesterday, July 18th was …

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Yesterday, July 18th was the birthday of Nelson Mandela, who won the Nobel Peace Prize and became the first Democratically Elected President in South Africa, and was designated by the United Nations on Nelson Mandela International Day.
He was born on July 18, 1918 in a rural village called Mbezo in Eastern Cape Province.
He has been fighting racism as an anti-apartheid activist for 67 years. In 1952, he founded the first black law firm in South Africa. However, although he was initially non-violent, the African National Congress had to carry weapons, and Mr. Mandela, who led the organization, was arrested and sentenced to life in prison in 1964 for treason.

In the 1980s, anti-apartheid voices began, and South Africa began to move toward the elimination of apartheid in 1989. Mr Mandela was released in 1990. In 1991, President DeKlerk declared the abolition of apartheid policies.
In 1994, a presidential election was held by all races, including those who had not been able to participate in the election, and Mr. Mandela was elected. He led the country as president for five years until 1999. He ended his life at the age of 95 while being watched by his family at his home in Johannesburg in 2013, but his achievements continue to be admired and respected all over the world.
The spirit and beliefs that fought for peace are still inherited.

Mr. Mandela devoted 67 years of his 95-year-old life to the struggle for freedom and peace in South Africa for human rights and social justice.

Mr. Mandela said, "It's up to you whether we can make the world a better place for all."
In honor of his life's achievements, the United Nations and the Nelson Mandela Foundation called on people around the world to provide social service for someone, just for 67 minutes on July 18.
The world is facing a variety of problems now, but why don't you take action for someone, even if it's just a small matter for the "67" minutes of July 18?

Finally, I would like to introduce one message left by Mr. Mandela.
"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
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