
Today, June 21st is...

Today, June 21st is the day of the summer solstice.
Today is the longest day from sunrise to sunset. After today, the time of daytime gradually decreases until the winter solstice day of December 21.

Even in Japan, there is a little difference in the time of daytime (from sunrise to sunset) depending on the latitude. The daytime is longer as we go north. For example, it’s 13 hours and 47 minutes in Okinawa, it’s is 15 hours and 23 minutes in Hokkaido. By the way, Osaka is 14 hours and 29 minutes (sunrise 4:45, sunset 19:14).
You will learn in society; it will be a midnight sun (the sun does not set) in the Arctic Circle.

Today is going to be a precious sunny day between the rainy seasons.
The sunshine may be an enemy of your skin, as there are worries about sunburn, but it has a function of producing vitamin D in your body. Vitamin D helps maintain bone health and promotes the absorption of calcium.
From some research results, Vitamin D affects brain cognitive function. In addition, there are also a function to increase immunity and reduce the risk of cancer.
Moderate exposure to sunlight seems to lead to maintaining a healthy body.
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