
Today, June 14th is...

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Today, June 14th is "World Blood Donor Day(WHO: World Health Organization)", which is a "gift for saving life", thank blood donors and let us know that blood donation is essential for patients who need blood products. Various events are held in various countries around the world on today.
June 14th has a special meaning: the birthday of The Nobel Prize-winning Karl Landsteiner who discovered the ABO blood type[1868-1943(AUT)].

The theme of this year's "World Blood Donor Day" is "Safe Blood Saves Lives". It is worth noting that blood donation is an activity that saves people's lives.

Now, It relies on good-intentioned blood donation, because blood cannot be made artificially. There are 3,000 people in this country who receive blood transfusions for treatment every day, and it is necessary to donate blood 13,000 people a day.
However, the number of people donating blood decreases sharply due to the COVID-19.The medical field is a really difficult situation in many ways.

Over 16-years-old can donate blood. So, Junior high school students cannot donate blood, because of under 16, That's why we have to think seriously about what we can do.
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6/15 第50回入学式
6/16 1学期 始業式
6/17 3年 実力テスト
1,2年 課題確認テスト