
The day you change the world.

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Today, I'm going to show you a speech by a 12-years-old girl who changed the world, depending on Environment Month in June.

"Earth Summit", an international conference held once every ten years. In 1992, "Earth Summit" was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. At the time, it was the largest in The United Nations history, attended by representatives from 172 countries around the world.

A girl who is 12-years-old came to the summit from Canada. The girl's name is Severn Cullis-Suzuki. She came to Brazil of her own volition, not being called by anyone or being recommended by someone.

During the summit, she negotiated tenaciously and was finally given a chance to speak for a short time on the final day.
Her speech changed the world.

After her speech, many countries became interested in global environmental issues and changed. It was opportunity to protect the environment, regulate greenhouse gas emissions, and combat global warming, and the world began to work.

Her speech was for six minutes only.
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