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一年後へ。一歩進む。〜+1(プラスワン)メッセージ〜 TOKYO2020

24 July 2020 Olympic Stadium.
Athletes from all over the world should be here alongside sixty thousand spectators, gazing up at the Olympic flame. Suddenly, everything changed.
The future that we took for granted transformed, overnight, into something completely different.
I understand what that’s like, because I experienced the same thing when I had a life-threatening illness. Meeting people. Walking outside. Using my entire body to swim in the pool. These simple pleasures are all so precious, yet before my illness I took them for granted.

The other athletes who lost Tokyo 2020 must feel the same. The goal they’d been working toward suddenly disappeared. For an Olympic or Paralympic level athlete, the training is extremely demanding and the mental pressure is intense. There are days when you want to run away from it all. But when all of that suddenly disappears, you truly appreciate how much it meant to you and how much you loved the sport. That’s what happened to me.

Imagine the world in a year: a world where the curtain is set to rise on the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Right now, athletes around the world are looking to that future, pushing themselves to the limit. No effort, no matter how small, is ever wasted. The confidence that sports inspires, the human connections it helps us make are truly irreplaceable.

One last thing. Sports is not just about the athletes. Sports show us the importance of solidarity. I never want to forget that. I want to remember my gratitude and respect for all those who contribute to their society as I take my next step. As an athlete, as a person.

TOKYO 2020 +1
Hope fuels the flame.
For the athletes, Tokyo’s preparations will be the utmost.
IKEE Rikako, swimmer.


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Yesterday, July 18th was …

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Yesterday, July 18th was the birthday of Nelson Mandela, who won the Nobel Peace Prize and became the first Democratically Elected President in South Africa, and was designated by the United Nations on Nelson Mandela International Day.
He was born on July 18, 1918 in a rural village called Mbezo in Eastern Cape Province.
He has been fighting racism as an anti-apartheid activist for 67 years. In 1952, he founded the first black law firm in South Africa. However, although he was initially non-violent, the African National Congress had to carry weapons, and Mr. Mandela, who led the organization, was arrested and sentenced to life in prison in 1964 for treason.

In the 1980s, anti-apartheid voices began, and South Africa began to move toward the elimination of apartheid in 1989. Mr Mandela was released in 1990. In 1991, President DeKlerk declared the abolition of apartheid policies.
In 1994, a presidential election was held by all races, including those who had not been able to participate in the election, and Mr. Mandela was elected. He led the country as president for five years until 1999. He ended his life at the age of 95 while being watched by his family at his home in Johannesburg in 2013, but his achievements continue to be admired and respected all over the world.
The spirit and beliefs that fought for peace are still inherited.

Mr. Mandela devoted 67 years of his 95-year-old life to the struggle for freedom and peace in South Africa for human rights and social justice.

Mr. Mandela said, "It's up to you whether we can make the world a better place for all."
In honor of his life's achievements, the United Nations and the Nelson Mandela Foundation called on people around the world to provide social service for someone, just for 67 minutes on July 18.
The world is facing a variety of problems now, but why don't you take action for someone, even if it's just a small matter for the "67" minutes of July 18?

Finally, I would like to introduce one message left by Mr. Mandela.
"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

Yesterday, July 11th was …

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Good morning, Now the morning of July 12th.
Yesterday, July 11th was World Population Day.
33 years ago, the world's population exceeded 5 billion on July 11, 1987, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) established it in 1989 to get people interested in global population issues.  
According to the United Nations, the world population was about 1.6 billion in the 20th century about 100 years ago, so the population has tripled in 90 years. And then, the population has continued to grow, exceeding 7 billion in 2011.

Of course, when the population increases, the resources consumed also increase. The world's population is expected to reach 10 billion by 2055, and it is said that it will need five earths to keep a standard life for all people. Of course, the earth is one, there is a possibility that there will be further poverty problems and resource disputes.
In addition, resource consumption is causing climate change, and 68% of the world's population is expected to live in cities by 2050, so how to manage growing cities will have a significant impact on the global environment and resources in the future. It is necessary for society as a whole to firmly implement initiatives such as climate change countermeasures and environmental protection in response to population growth.

On the other hand, Population in Japan is about 128 million in 2010, but due to the declining birthrate and aging population, the population will decline and fall below 90 million by 2100.
The total amount of tax paid will be reduced for the population decreases, and it will affect social welfare. And if the number of worker will decrease, the consumption will decrease, and the economy will shrink. Especially in Japan, because the population of young people is small and the population of the elderly is large, it is worried that the burden on young people will be very large.
There are many things that need to be done now, such as measures to prevent COVID-19, but there are also many things that need to be done now to protect the earth, protect the countries of the world, and Japan of the future.
I hope that students will become adults with the ability to discern the movement of society and to survive the future world.

FIRE for heat stroke.

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Good morning. It's Sunday, July 5th.
Students, are you studying for the test?
On holidays before the test, I would like you to study at least five hours (1 subject 1 hour or more) if possible.

Every year, the number of students who have heat stroke increases rapidly from the rainy season to the beginning of October.
Heat stroke is expected to develop only outdoors with high temperatures, but heat stroke can develop on cloudy days, indoors, when sleeping at night, or in a room.
In addition, this summer, unlike before, it is important to take heat stroke prevention behavior after taking "new lifestyle" as COVID-19 infection prevention.
I think that there are a lot of students who have lost physical strength because the school was closed for a long time and it was waiting at home.
Let's think carefully and act about what should I do in order not to have heat stroke without thinking "I am all right".

We have posted "Points of Heat Stroke Prevention Behavior" on the board of the nurse's office of Fukono Junior High School. Be sure to check.
In addition, it is important to deal with heat stroke as soon as possible if you feel the signs of it.


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