
What I want you to think about…

“Clearly, you can see by now that I have beautiful brown skin, but take a look at your hand and whatever shade it is, it is beautiful, as well.”
“God did not make one type of tree, or flower, or fish, or horse, or grass, or rock. How dare you ask him to make one type of human that looks just like you.”
“I’m not talking to just Caucasian people. I am talking to everyone. White, Black, Japanese, Chinese, red, brown - no one is superior to the other.”

On August 23, a man was shot seven times by a police officer from close range in Wisconsin, USA. The above words are part of what the mother of the man who was shot said at the press conference.

In the United States, there have been several incidents of police officers this year that have become racial discrimination issues. Along with this, demonstrations and riots have occurred in various parts of the United States, and many victims have also been caused.

I don't know the details of what happened before or after the incident happened, so I'll stop describing the incident.
However, I wanted everyone to think about the words of the mother.
It is said that there are more than 8 million kinds of creatures on the earth where we live. Each has different characteristics.
Of course, even in the same human race, each person has its own personality, and there is no exactly the same human being. I think it's a message that teaches us the importance of recognizing each other's individuality.

Even if you know that discrimination is not allowed, I want you to think about why such an incident happens.
The other day, Naomi Osaka, a tennis player, said, "I was a black woman before I was an athlete. There are more important things than having people watch tennis."
I hope this will be an opportunity to take an interest in what is happening in today's world and seriously consider what is right and what is behind the problem of discrimination.
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