
From “Rissyu” to “Syo-syo”

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Hello. This is Head teacher writing, I hope to be able to provide some seasonal topics in English for the second semester. If you have time, please read it.

By the way, from August 23rd to September 6th today, it will be "Syo-syo" on the calendar.
It was "Rissyu" until yesterday.
“Rissyu” means autumn stands, it enters autumn on the calendar, and it is sure to become cool little by little. But now, unfortunately, the heat is too severe, so there is no sign of autumn at all. It’s still a hot day, isn't it?

There is a meaning to settle down in "Syo", and it seems to be the time when severe heat eases, and coolness can be felt in the morning and evening. However, it is this time of year that the heat returns when it is called "Syusyo", and the fatigue of summer comes out easily.
In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to sudden changes in climate and weather because there are a lot of sudden evening rains, and the occurrence of typhoons becomes more often.

It seems that the dangerous heat will continue.
Please check out the "Future Weather Outlook (Japan Meteorological Agency website)".
Please watch out for changes in temperature and weather, and love yourself.

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