
After five hours, …。

After five hours, a partial eclipse begins all over Japan around five o'clock this evening.
An eclipse is a phenomenon in which part (or all) of the sun is hidden by the moon because the moon crosses in front of the sun.
This eclipse is an annular eclipse (a ring-shaped eclipse with 98% of the sun missing) in some regions from Africa to Asia, we can observe as a partial eclipse in Japan.
The next eclipse in Japan will occur on April 20, 2023, but it cannot be observed in Osaka.
Because it is hard to watch an eclipse, please check today's sun if you have time. However, if you watch directly at the sun, you may lose sight or damage your eyes, so don't look directly.
In Osaka, the eclipse begins at 16:06 and the sun is the most lacking at 17:10 (The sun is about 43% missing). Then, the eclipse ends at 18:07.

By the way,
10 years later, we can observe an annular eclipse in Japan (Hokkaido) on June 1, 2030.
And annular eclipse will come to Osaka in 2312(292 years later).
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6/23 放課後まなび舎